Tatiana Blass


Tatiana Blass (Brasil)


The Brazilian artist Tatiana Blass presents, in her first exhibition in Portugal, paintings, sculptures and video. Metade da fala no chão - Piano surdo (Half of the speech on the ground – deaf piano) is a video work produced during a performance-installation staged at the 29th International Art Biennale in São Paulo. The video shows the pianist Thiago Cury while playing five works of Frederic Chopin on a grand piano. While playing, two men are spilling melted wax into the grand piano.

While the wax is harden and more wax is added, the pianist gets more and more difficulties to play the works, until the keyboard stops working and becomes impossible to play. The sculptures, made of brass, bronze and micro-crystallised wax, are mounted on the floor. Cerco (Siege) #2 is a pheasant captured on the floor by a belt fixed on the wall. Cão cego (Blind dog) #3 is a composition of 4 dog paws and a puddle of wax in the shape of the wild dog’s body, such as the sculpture Morto (Dead), which consists of human feet made out of bronze. Yet it is in the series of canvases entitled Acidente (Accident), which titles the exhibition at Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa, where human figures appear observing something, being intertwined by the space and the colour.

What unifies the works is the atmosphere of a paralysing moment, a pending action, like an accident that has just happened. 

Apoio: Galeria Millan, São Paulo


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